Canada Directory - government grants,government loans,small business, government funding
Your Business. Need money to finance your small business in Canada?Want to get a grant, a loan or financial aid for new equipment,fixtures, renovations, training, advertising or to hire staff?Learn more about how to get government money and other tips to growyour small business with these valuable small business resources.Your Government. The Canadian government has set aside more than 20 billion dollars in funding programs (grants and loans)for financing small businesses like yours. Free government grants areavailable to help you start-up, expand or improve your business, if youare eligible.Your Money. Whether you need $100 or $100,000, don't miss theopportunity to take advantage of the available government grants &small business loans. Knowing where and how to apply gives you a realadvantage. Use your free money to start up a new business, or give yoursmall business the boost it needs. See examples of grants and loansrecipients from your province in our grant recipients section.
100 King Street West, Suite 5700
M5X 1C7
Website : government grants,government loans,small business, government funding
Posted : 22-Apr-2014